2023-2024 Easter Holidays and Miscellaneous2024-03-2223169
2023-2024 Lunar New Year Holidays and Miscellaneous2024-01-1823126c
Student Grant (2023/24 School Year)2023-09-1323030
The Parent-Teacher Association and Annual Membership Fee2023-09-0123006
Parental consent on participation in physical education lessons2023-09-0123004
Bad Weather Arrangement2023-09-0123003
Stay Vigilant Against Communicable Diseases2023-09-0123002
Matters about the Term Start 2023-20242023-08-2823001
Term-end Notice 2022-20232023-07-0722200
2022-2023 Post-exam Arrangement2023-06-0822181
Final Examination and term-end business 2022-20232023-05-1522176
Information about Student Grant e-Submission and Miscellaneous2023-05-0522167
Matters related to Easter Holiday2023-03-2822153
Christmas & New Year Holidays, Half-yearly Examination and Miscellaneous2022-12-0922105
Christmas & New Year Holidays, Half-yearly Examination and Miscellaneous2022-12-0922104
Test Week of First Term 2022-20232022-10-1922079