Teaching Materials
Curriculum guides


Objectives of 2023-2024  
Useful links
I. Objective:


Students’ learning capacity are strengthened to meet the challenges in daily life..


Students’ horizons are broadened and their innovative potentials are unleashed.

II. Implementation plan



Major concerns


Teacher(s) in Charge

Evaluation and success criteria


Students’ learning capacity are strengthened to meet the challenges in daily life.

Strategy 1.1
To adopt various teaching and learning strategies to achieve meaningful learning.

Use suitable eLearning teaching/learning strategies to enhance learning.

S3 – refine current eLearning lessons.

S4 – implement eLearning lessons on formulae and equations writing.

S4 to S6 – extend the use of Online Interactive Simulations

All forms – extend the use of IT resources available from the publisher, EDB and others.


Whole year

Mr. Kwok Chi-fung

Over 75% of students agree those strategies can enhance their learning.

All S3 classes and the S4 class implement eLearning lessons as scheduled.

Worksheets for use of Online Interactive Simulations are prepared.


Guidelines for students to use IT resources are prepared.

Adopt suitable learning strategies to enhance effective learning.

S4 to S6
- implement flipped lessons in some topics.
- provide revised notes to students.


Whole year

Mr. Kwok Chi-fung

Over 80% of teachers agree that the specific pedagogy adopted facilitate meaningful learning.



Strategy 1.2

To enhance assessment policies for further improvement on teaching and learning effectiveness.

Implement the P-I-E. policy via the use of internal and external assessment results to improve teaching and learning.

Making use of evaluation results, more action would be taken to improve teaching and learning.


Whole year

Mr. Kwok Chi-fung

Over 75% of students pass in internal examination.

Apply formative assessment to enhance students’ self-reflection on learning.

S4 to S6
Arrange regular quizzes after teaching of sub-topics to help students consolidate what have learnt.


Whole year

Mr. Kwok Chi-fung

Over 75% of students show improvement on their learning.


Students’ horizons are broadened and their innovative potentials are unleashed.

Strategy 2.1

To conduct thematic approach in cross-curricular reading and other learning activities.

Promote the reading across curriculum in S3 with the support of library.


Whole year

Over 75% of participants complete the reading task set

Strategy 2.2

To enrich students’ learning experiences by proving learning experiences in authentic contexts.

Collaborate with other related subjects to carry out STEM activities.


Whole year

Over 75% of participants show positive feedback and could demonstrate their innovation.

Encourage elite students to join at least one interschool competition.


Whole year

Mr. Kwok Chi-fung,


Over 75% of participants show positive feedback and could demonstrate their innovation.

Design at least one learning task related to real-life contexts in S3.


Whole year

Over 75% of students could apply their learning to real-life contexts.




Useful learning materials for S4-6 students. You can find most of the topics.

ACD Labs ChemSketch
It is a freeware. This program allows you to draw the structures of different organic compounds, and it can name the compound for you. It is useful for the nomenclature in HKDSE.
Chemistry Experimental Techniques
It is a useful webpage showing you different chemistry experimental techniques required in HKDSE.
Mass Spectrometry
This resource book will help facilitate the learning of the chapter of "Instrumental analytical methods" in the elective part of analytical chemistry in HKDSE Curriculum.

Chemical Elements.com


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